Long distance healing for your well being and deeper awareness.
“When we began our TLBFT session one of the first things that came up was a feeling of excitement, then ease, then awareness that someone ‘somewhere in the world’ was with me and focused on my benefit.”
“Releasing my resent injury-
At first I felt warmth on my left arm, a slight pull backwards, and I could feel the juncture of my shoulder and my upper arm, where a few weeks ago I’d twisted it…then I felt warmth moving through my left side, it arose in my stomach, a warm radiance, the warmth was vibratory and billowy, wave-like, almost like a sea anemone, the pain in my arm subsided.
When my session came towards the end and at a certain point it felt like I’d been released, that the etheric holding cocoon had dissipated and I felt a clearness and sense of being back in ‘time’.” K.S
“What an amazing experience! I have only had my spine unwind like that in cranio-sacral work. It was so needed with all the thinking and preparing. My spine unwound for 20 minutes and then I felt a healing around my throat. I opened my eyes for a moment. Then my spine unwound again ending in a bright yellow light surrounding my body.
My cat laid on my legs the whole time during the treatment. Wow! Wow! Wow!
Thank you so much!” Donna Place
“Hey Michèle
I slept for 9 hours! Holy moly! I haven’t slept that long since this whole thing started. Thank you again so much for your beautiful work. “
How is distant healing possible?
This form of contact / communication works on a similar basis just like connecting with each other via phone or internet, the way a vehicle travels from one place to another.
Long distance healing functions similarly using our frequencies of magnetic bio fields traveling through space and time.
It is environmentally friendly, adding to a greater collective healing field and is non depleting to our environment or our planet unlike man made energy sources.
What do I do need to do during the session?
The only thing needed is a comfortable place to lay on , either on the floor on a soft mat with blankets, or a comfortable couch or bed, if possible in an undisturbed environment.
Please put a blanket over you and use a thin pillow for your head.
Do I need to focus and remember what happened during my session?
Your relaxation and the“letting go of the world” is most beneficial for you!
Just in case have a piece of paper and pen ready for after your session to write down any sensations or experiences you might remember. This is both your feedback and mine.
I will do the same and take my notes to share with you via email or txt within 24 hrs.
Do my pets have to stay in another room?
No, invite them to join you. Animals always know a good thing!
They will benefit from your healing session as well.
So don’t be surprised if they choose to snuggle up.
If you would like a session for your pet, I do offer 30 min. TLBFT sessions.
Spaces are limited.
The services, claims and testimonials made on this website are subjective and based on the results of individuals who have worked with Michèle Cross. Healing results can vary from client to client, based on their conditions and personal experiences. Michèle does not guarantee any specific results.
All services, fees and rules are posted on the “Contact Us/ Booking” page.
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